Anti-BDS Laws and the Attack on Freedom of Speech

The topic of Israel has been a contentious one as of late due to the ongoing occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as well as the second class citizenship of those Palestinians that live in East Jerusalem. The classification of the atrocious actions of Israel are always described as a both sides issue, when one side holds all the power and the other has none of it. Israel has the support of much stronger nations such as the UK and the US, but the victim card is always played. In the midst of the current occupation and Israel proclaiming itself the victim for several decades, the existence of anti-BDS laws have been in place which stifle the most basic civil liberty we have, FREE SPEECH! In this social media age, we have come across numerous articles, publications and various outlets that are pro "Free Speech" *cough* cancel culture *cough*, but rarely have I seen them address this issue. Filled with the atrocious hypocrisy involved, I ask myself why is this ...