Anti-BDS Laws and the Attack on Freedom of Speech

The topic of Israel has been a contentious one as of late due to the ongoing occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as well as the second class citizenship of those Palestinians that live in East Jerusalem.  The classification of the atrocious actions of Israel are always described as a both sides issue, when one side holds all the power and the other has none of it.  Israel has the support of much stronger nations such as the UK and the US, but the victim card is always played.  In the midst of the current occupation and Israel proclaiming itself the victim for several decades, the existence of anti-BDS laws have been in place which stifle the most basic civil liberty we have, FREE SPEECH!  In this social media age, we have come across numerous articles, publications and various outlets that are pro "Free Speech" *cough* cancel culture *cough*, but rarely have I seen them address this issue.  Filled with the atrocious hypocrisy involved, I ask myself why is this the case?  The monumental success of the Montgomery Bus Boycott allows us to understand the enormous impact that boycotts have on the public.  But the media is either incapable or incompetent in regards to addressing these issues.

The states involved in which the anti-BDS laws have been enacted are as follows:

1.  Alabama
2.  Arizona
3. Arkansas
4. California
5. Colorado
6. Florida
7. Georgia
8. Illinois
9. Indiana
10. Iowa
11. Kansas
12. Kentucky
13. Louisiana
14. Maryland
15. Michigan
16. Minnesota
17. Mississippi
18. Missouri
19. Nevada
20. New Jersey
21. New York
22. North Carolina
23. Ohio
24. Oklahoma
25. Pennsylvania
26. Rhode Island
27. South Carolina
28. South Dakota
29. Texas
30. Wisconsin

The states that are adopting laws are authoritarian and against the principality of free expression.  Thus these laws should be shut down and those that have not enacted should not be.  The ACLU released a letter in response to proposed laws that will impact Americans from each state that have enacted these laws.  The letter states: 

"Make no mistake:  the underlying state bills discriminate solely on the basis of the viewpoint of those impacted. There is a large class of businesses and individuals who do no business with Israel.  Indeed the vast majority of America does no business with Israel.  Those who choose not to engage with Israel on a commercial basis do so for many reasons.  Some, like those impacted by these state laws, oppose Israel’s actions on ideological grounds, voice that opinion, and then follow through.  Others may hold similar beliefs and also refrain from engaging with Israel, but choose not to publicly announce their ideological reasoning.  Still others don’t do business with Israel simply because it doesn’t fit within their business model.  Only those who affirmatively express support for the BDS movement are barred from state contracts and investments even though there are others who refrain to the very same extent.  They are penalized solely because they choose to express their opinion and because their opinion is disfavored by the political class in the states in question.  Such a penalty flies in the face of the First Amendment’s guarantee that the state should impose no law infringing on the right to speak freely and to associate with those of like minds."

As anyone can plainly see the ACLU has taken a position that protects the civil rights of Americans, while taking no ideological position on the issue of Israel/Palestine.  Whether what Israel is doing is against human rights or crimes against humanity, while I may believe they are, is largely irrelevant and not the issue here.  The issue being that states have determined that the civil rights of Americans need to be abridged and are largely arbitrary when it comes to Israel.  Think of the ramifications that may come from this and the dangerous precedent that these laws may present for the future of American society.

n but



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