
Record of Ragnarök Review: Why the Hercules Versus Jack the Ripper Fight is so Iconic.

The Record of Ragnarök is an anime that deals with the antiquities and struggles of humans throughout history, this is most explored with the fight between the mighty hero Hercules from Greek Myths and the most notorious serial killer known as Jack the Ripper.  The explanation given to us of Jack's background is that he is the offspring of a prostitute and a very rich man who promised to marry his mother and take her away, with Jack, from the hell which was the brothel.  The interaction between two people and a situation he barely understands come to define Jack and his history, which seems to define us all, in some form or fashion, the sustained trauma that each of us experiences throughout his or her life.  He never knew his father but knew of him from the stories told to him by his mother, even though he lived life without his father, he at least had love from his mother or that was what he thought.  The actual situation was a lot more tragic; we tend to think a m...

Anti-BDS Laws and the Attack on Freedom of Speech

The topic of Israel has been a contentious one as of late due to the ongoing occupation of the West Bank and Gaza as well as the second class citizenship of those Palestinians that live in East Jerusalem.  The classification of the atrocious actions of Israel are always described as a both sides issue, when one side holds all the power and the other has none of it.  Israel has the support of much stronger nations such as the UK and the US, but the victim card is always played.  In the midst of the current occupation and Israel proclaiming itself the victim for several decades, the existence of anti-BDS laws have been in place which stifle the most basic civil liberty we have, FREE SPEECH!  In this social media age, we have come across numerous articles, publications and various outlets that are pro "Free Speech" *cough* cancel culture *cough*, but rarely have I seen them address this issue.  Filled with the atrocious hypocrisy involved, I ask myself why is this ...

What is Justice?

I have been plagued by the meaning of 'Justice'.  I have come to the conclusion that 'Justice' isn't punishing evil and rewarding good. No, Justice is putting in the constant effort to fix what we call injustice, not focusing on the specific individuals involved.  The system is the problem, not the individual.  While I see the frustration and anger at the people involved in the 'Justice' system, it is not the end all be all.  We shouldn't focus on just the cops involved or the fumbling actions of the DA and the Attorney General, but the implicit actions of the Criminal 'Justice' System.  The facts are clear on this issue, those who are black/brown as well as poor are unable to fight a system that is designed to criminalize the color of their skin, as well as their poverty. 'Justice' is the idea of changing corrupt systems, that is the leftist perspective.  That the system is working as designed.  The liberal perspective is that if we get ...

Toppling an Empire

America, the brave and the bold, the loving pledge of allegiance, the veneer of a greater society, oh America the virtuous.   Now, let's strip that coding and the obnoxious propaganda that I just put forth.  People ask me: "why do you criticize America?  I mean, America doesn't murder people for witchcraft and sorcery like Saudi Arabia.  America doesn't abuse Muslims like they do in China or Myanmar.  America didn't do the holocaust like in Germany did or mistreat it's own citizens like what's being done in North Korea, so why criticize America?"   Well, the answer is quite simple, it is because I am an American. To illustrate this, I remember seeing Captain America II in theaters and thought that as a hero no one was more virtuous, as explained by Aristotle and his description of virtue ethics.  As some might say: "but this doesn't explain why you criticize America so harshly" ; and to you I say be patient because I'm gett...

The 'R' Word

In this country, race is a major issue to the fabric of our culture.  Lately, I've seen this hesitance of using the word 'racist' or the term 'racism' to describe such people that use certain language.  Pres. Donald Trump telling four congresswomen of color “to go back to their country” when most of them are from the US is racist.  This is not hard to figure out.  People are okay with racism if and only if it doesn't affect them.  I would like to examine race and issues dealing with this aspect of race to uncover the meaning of 'racism' in this piece.  Let's call a spade, a spade, even when it's someone you admire, like Pres. Trump. First, I want to discuss the fragility of dealing with race in any aspect that may make people uncomfortable.  An incident that explicitly speaks to this issue, is an interview conducted with serial killer, Jeffrey Dahmer.  In this interview , the person conducting the interview asked Dahmer, if his killings ...

Terrorism: The Arbitrary Term

Terrorism is a term that strikes a feeling of fear and anger within the American public when dealing with the aspect of Americanism that is narrow in its application.  The arbitrary nature of the word requires a function which is necessary to understanding the true purpose in relating to the American people.  The definition, deconstruction, reconstruction, and meaning of the word will all be examined in this piece on the objectivity and reliability of the word. Terrorism as defined by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is split into two parts, Domestic and International; Domestic:   "[An act of terrorism] perpetuated by and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily U.S. based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature." International:  "Perpetuated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations ...

Benefits Versus Responsibilities: The Nature of Imperialism and Conquest

Part I:   Introduction The West's responsibility to the people who have been victimized by supremacy are tantamount also to it's benefits received by those who atypically bear no specific responsibility to the people who have been wronged .  What I would like to pay attention to, is the idea that people seem to focus on, the idea of a specific people being harmed versus the people who have benefited from those harms.  One's situation has to correlate with the aspect of life they have no control over by the time they are born.  The situation that one finds themselves is based on an inherited society and should be governed as such. The idea that we should govern society based on those who are exceptional is a very ludicrous idea and one of the most ludicrous ideas espoused by, not only certain conservative thinkers, but libertarians  and neoliberals as well.  The focus of this article will be based on the idea of reparations, the wealth disparities between ...