Benefits Versus Responsibilities: The Nature of Imperialism and Conquest
Part I: Introduction The West's responsibility to the people who have been victimized by supremacy are tantamount also to it's benefits received by those who atypically bear no specific responsibility to the people who have been wronged . What I would like to pay attention to, is the idea that people seem to focus on, the idea of a specific people being harmed versus the people who have benefited from those harms. One's situation has to correlate with the aspect of life they have no control over by the time they are born. The situation that one finds themselves is based on an inherited society and should be governed as such. The idea that we should govern society based on those who are exceptional is a very ludicrous idea and one of the most ludicrous ideas espoused by, not only certain conservative thinkers, but libertarians and neoliberals as well. The focus of this article will be based on the idea of reparations, the wealth disparities between ...